May 19, 2005


話時話, 夾來夕莓這名字是怎來的呢? 百鏽又是進?我有一個故事。
i used to have a nick MACX, meaningless but just htought it was cool. ok.
then i'm tired of using it, and developed another one, KODON.
and the idea, KODONITY, is that nobody ever talks about MACX or MACXISM anymore.
"shit! i've just did..."
one day i was talking to a friend about this, and i used 速成 instead of english to type these words "macx" and "kodon"

then, MACX became 百鏽 and kodon 夾來弓, while kodonity became 夾來夕莓.
the 台乞卜(irony) is that 夾來夕莓 should never talk about 百鏽, but the fact is that this 胛仕 (blog) has put them 芝圾芽河 (together). 芽門大 坎木! (thank God)

汀木 伙 屏合卜. (end of story)

人情味 aka 兒童不宜

看了星戰前傳三,我好像看見了一個人不由自主的一生。做壞人的,都是有原因的。與性格,命運有關。有人說根本沒有命運這回事,但也許是大家太早下定論, Darth Vadar 一樣會如 Qui Gon 和寓言所說的成為世界大能的平衡,只是要到他生命完結前一刻才來。Neopoleon 跟Josephine終於都無法一起,怨的都是一個destiny。這大慨是有理由的。性格使我們以個人的方式看待和對待這世界,我們作的決定,待人的方式和態度,大多是性格的事,但這些決定和態度,不正是在改變我們的生命?circumstances 可能是既有的,但同一個時空也養活過千萬種不同的人。


我還有過一個recurrent dream,夢中我們因嫉妒把一個好馬的朋友的馬全都殺死,砍成一塊塊放到一個大燈籠中。點燃燈芯,血液沿大燈籠瀝瀝的滴下,是燒焦的肉味和刀上的血腥。
視點是馬主的眼睛,大燈籠自atrium向他飄去, 他看見燈籠中的血肉, 大吼 "我d馬呀!!" 然後拔起大刀追殺我們。我們跑跑避避,跑跑避避......

今天, auntie 說我很欠人情味,我想了很久都記不起人情味的傳繹, 好像自己已被愛慾信望勞任這些大字淹死了。人情大慨是愛與同理的事,自私的人是不會的。今天起我會慢慢學習人情味, 因我自小便是個沒家教的自我又無知的人。

May 16, 2005

the currency of love

I apologize for the language used, coz this is gonna be something very personal and direct. and my ibook keybord doesn't cater chinese typing, coz i'm shit...

ok back to the headline. Dad told me he's leaving home, I told him the biggest secret of my life, this is an equilibrium.
I have suddenly understood everything, at the same time, nothing.

fact 1.
everyone's living a continguous, very complicated and wicked life, and this is for sure. If i am to listen to your story of life, there must be things i'd hurl against you. Because we are all peculiar.
from here, there's nothing about a person's life we should envy, because the price he paid to live the life he is leading is heavier than anything you could bear. So don't envy ginus, don't be jealous with handsomes.
they paid for it, there's no free lunch.

fact 2.
i said bravery is the currency of love. i believed in it. but today i knew what i anticipated from it was distorted and incapacious. I once thought that to be very open-minded but genuine about love will earn you a world of exhilarating excitments, that when you're able to admit the what you love and be upright with the way you love, that's audacious.

but that's meekly true, only if you're to be a bull ... balderdash i mean, frankly.

the bravery, is the ability to take up responsibility. it is the foremost bothersome act of life, the unbearable of being. The ability to oath in front of whom you love to be responsible to one, and to hold this until the end. If this couldn't be transacted, the courage to hold on to what would lie ahead and live the rest of the life this choice would lead you, possibly under disguise and aversion.

this is the currency of love. the true pattern of BRAVERY. neither heroic, it is one step forward from the self.

these 2 facts strung out of the blues for me, since my dad lost his fidelity, i have been thinking of not marrying anyone in my life, not that I hate the idea, but I'm not sure about my persistence in holding onto a responsiblity and take it til the end. I have no faith.

I have never seen a successful couple throughout my life. my grany, pathetically out; my aunts, ruthlessly out; my father, fuckingly out. There has to be something different. maybe a life as a homosexual would teach me something different.

viscious cycle.

how much does a marriage cost? an elephant? a deaf poet? or simply bravery?
how long are we suppose to hold each other's hand? The dangerous thread of being is the departure to desire and selfishness.
Are we really living for each other? if so how could promises be so fragile and doomed?
how long are we expecting from a commitment? a lifetime? are we being mean and stingy to talk about a lifetime?
how much is a lifetime? how long is forever? what about a next time lover?
are you generous enough to surrender a lifetime for a commitment?
when do we learn? when would we learn?

this is a lesson for every lover. they should all ask these questions.

i'll ask everytime. Because the suffering in me is engulfing my conscious from inside out.
this is the currency of love. Dad, i love you. i used to.

there's too much misunderstood, too much unaccomplished. those could be rectified by a kiss can never be mend with anything now. a permenant scar, etching uglyly on my skin, a recipocal of my gruesome childhood. today i understand how weak a person could be, how delicate we are, we will be.

i miss my youth, i miss mother, i miss my exes, i miss people whom i loved and who loved me, i'm lonely. this is the abssy where nobody could help me out. I start to marvel at the way i act, i used to be so tough, so ecstatic and ambitious. there seem to be a hallow in me. nothingness, so vulgar i have to veil it under my skin. i thought that was brave, and i was brilliant.

i'm petrified. sorry.


ps. 知唔知道夾來夕莓是誰? 百鏽何以會人間消失? 下次再續,打到我腦便秘......
ps. 多謝沉綸b無形激勵