June 06, 2005

ain't no fake lover

suddenly miss you. couldn't understand why, all my friends say you're not good enough for me, but then i'm still stuck. Imagined last night that it was you who went into the bag store with me, you raised your head and looked, and talked with that pitched spicy voice in amazement, "i was someone wearing that the other day." and you smile at me.
maybe it's the smile i miss, not the lies and the wishful thinking.
anyway. i narrowly caught myself calling you up. i won't because things have never happened and they'll never be. honestly, we were in love for one single night. and i feel exhilerated for that one night, c'est tout et c'est comme ca. no more rehersals on stupid letters, no more tears and worries on trivial matters.
you smile like sunshine, but you laugh like a bitch. that's just for your information, not meant to derogate things, since they're meaningless. Someday, I'll find the prettiest sunshine somewhere around the corner, someone who sees the good in me, and am willing to take in the bads of me, someone who spots the values and specials in me. nobody'll like me for the sake of liking me, though how smooth and funny i am, coz i'm not likable.


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